1) i had attended 'sudah tiba masanya'
last weekend, and it was a good memory
i felt really happy.
at the evening i accompanied my friend finish the fruit
we talk a lot about "kpop" my fav topic and a lot of other topics
after that, i helped my friend finished the hall
only at 7.30 i go to settle myself
around 8pm and above the activ start
kelibat guru juga sdah klihatan. ahah....
kamo mkn sate, nasi impit, lontong dsb
then yg plg best saya jd model free
posing kat mana2 cam yg nak saya
and we took a picture by class together
it's a wonderful feeling. thx my friend for making my day
kemudian xtiviti bnt2 shj start dgn game
yg uji pengetahuan quran & hadis
lastly muhasabah dan TIDO...
tp disebbkn syahin yg turut perasan comel
saya hnya tidur pkul 2.30am.
2) sabtu saya ada 2 class tmbhn
2-2 best, psi plg best
ada game dpt kump saya 500m
at 12.30pm class finished
and i go straight to ustazh norizah's kenduri
TAHNIAH, ustazh moga bhgia dpt menantu
3) TODAY, sya bnyak tido di class
akibat tnet laju smalam. huhu
MAAF, ikrar x nak buat dah
and just now i went to majlis eid at surau an-nur
there was a lottttttt of fooooooooood
dan of course delicious nyummmmm.........
tapi balik je rumah trus dapat brita buruk
yg amat mnyakitkn hati, irritating, annoying
i wonder, camne bleh wujud
manusia yg kurang ajo, x leh blah
mulut mcm BAZOKA, direct sgt, tapis2 la ckit
and another tyme talk face to face
it's work more dari ckp blakang.
* dsbbkn tulis blog dlm kadaan marah
keseronokn xtiviti no. 2&3 tak dapat diungkap spnuhnya
dan sebenanya lg best.
**to all japanese that will come to school tomorow
"WELCOME, hope you get better experience"
***to all booth palastine AJK good luck and do your best
you get my support ;)
****to all 'bakal haji' semoga selamat pergi menunaikn ibadah dan pulang
semoga Allah mmberkati. Amin.....
pengajaran : ckp ALHAMDULLILAH bila dpt rezeki
jgn lupa yg susah, bila kita snang
bila marah, bnyak istighfar
setiap pkerjaan yg dilakukan mesti bersunggug
belajar tangga kejayaan, so jgn malas
setiap prkataan yg nak diucap, fikir dulu, wajar ke tak
muhasabah diri kalu2 ada trguris hati sesapa
lasty sentiasa brusaha merapatkn ukhwah.
that's all peace no war ;( [still angry]
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
well, nothing much to say
i got one news
waktu bm our principle come
and she rejected 4 ittihad proposal
about not taking bio/pa
some people were disappointed
but i'm okay
since i choose
to take both in sem2
and today, i'll sleep at school
gen 12 ada sudah tiba masanya
harap2 best
nak tayang gak baju kurung ;)
and bsoknya suffer
bio and PSI
untill 12.30
then, my mom told
she have 2 open house and 1 kenduri
and i have 1open house and 1 kenduri
i don't know if i could make it
to go to all the event
last but not least
saengil chuka hamnida to DONGHAE
walaupn saya biasa je dgn dia
tp dia mmg amat femes
even lbih femes dr hankyung
so, saya wish gak la......
that's all, ineed to sleep
pengajaran : redha dgn apa yg dh tertulis
menjaga masa dgn baik adalh bagus
masa jamuan jgn lahap [brhenti sebelum kenyang]
peace no war [salam....]
i got one news
waktu bm our principle come
and she rejected 4 ittihad proposal
about not taking bio/pa
some people were disappointed
but i'm okay
since i choose
to take both in sem2
and today, i'll sleep at school
gen 12 ada sudah tiba masanya
harap2 best
nak tayang gak baju kurung ;)
and bsoknya suffer
bio and PSI
untill 12.30
then, my mom told
she have 2 open house and 1 kenduri
and i have 1open house and 1 kenduri
i don't know if i could make it
to go to all the event
last but not least
saengil chuka hamnida to DONGHAE
walaupn saya biasa je dgn dia
tp dia mmg amat femes
even lbih femes dr hankyung
so, saya wish gak la......
that's all, ineed to sleep
pengajaran : redha dgn apa yg dh tertulis
menjaga masa dgn baik adalh bagus
masa jamuan jgn lahap [brhenti sebelum kenyang]
peace no war [salam....]
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
once upon a time
there was a girl
who felt really shame
and that's
alkisahnya semalam ada
physic extra class
and i forgot
that i have extra class
so, i didn't bring any clothes
jadi saya pn ckp jela mira saya nak pnjam baju dia
it the cloth
turn out to be
a really
dengan blaus yg x dela labuh beno
plus tudung skolh yg labuh & bulat
seluar yg biasa
dgn kasut jazz
memang kat class
mlm tu mmg duduk je tak bgn2
serius bengang
dah la kat kelas tu
bnyak org stylo
isyhh...... tobat
next week
i'll not forget to bring my cloth
tu cite psal smalam
this is what happen today
i found a really
sad news
yg memang mlarikn mood saya hr ni
nasi baik ada 2pm
huhu~ [smpat lagi]
actually today
is official that we must take
11 subjects only for SPM
so, that mean i must!!!!
made up my mind
seyakin mngkin
to drop either bio or account
what makes me more
uncertain is
kalau amik akaun
kena gi 5 imtiyaz
and get a new atmosphere
kalu ustazah suruh
drop chem or phy
dah lama saya bleh but kputusn
masalahnya skang ni
akaun dgn bio
dua-dua ada kaitan
with my ambition
dan saya juga merasakn 2-2 subjek ini
saya plg bleh blajar
dr yg lain2
but so far
ithink i'm gonna
drop biology
doakn saya mmpunyai ktetapan hati
to really
make a decision
a big desicion
that will totally change
my ambition or future planning
and also
what class will i enter
next year T_T
x nak rrr ckp lg
or i might end up moody
tp ada gak yg best hari ni
2pm berjaya buat saya ktawa
infinity girl, tajuknya
mcm biasa pengajarn : buat catatn kalu ada pape
xtiviti kena blk lmbat
or ask your friend to remind you
bnyakkn berdoa moga Allah beri ptunjuk e/izzah dgn pakaian islami kita
that's all from me
[peace no war :(]
there was a girl
who felt really shame
and that's
alkisahnya semalam ada
physic extra class
and i forgot
that i have extra class
so, i didn't bring any clothes
jadi saya pn ckp jela mira saya nak pnjam baju dia
it the cloth
turn out to be
a really
dengan blaus yg x dela labuh beno
plus tudung skolh yg labuh & bulat
seluar yg biasa
dgn kasut jazz
memang kat class
mlm tu mmg duduk je tak bgn2
serius bengang
dah la kat kelas tu
bnyak org stylo
isyhh...... tobat
next week
i'll not forget to bring my cloth
tu cite psal smalam
this is what happen today
i found a really
sad news
yg memang mlarikn mood saya hr ni
nasi baik ada 2pm
huhu~ [smpat lagi]
actually today
is official that we must take
11 subjects only for SPM
so, that mean i must!!!!
made up my mind
seyakin mngkin
to drop either bio or account
what makes me more
uncertain is
kalau amik akaun
kena gi 5 imtiyaz
and get a new atmosphere
kalu ustazah suruh
drop chem or phy
dah lama saya bleh but kputusn
masalahnya skang ni
akaun dgn bio
dua-dua ada kaitan
with my ambition
dan saya juga merasakn 2-2 subjek ini
saya plg bleh blajar
dr yg lain2
but so far
ithink i'm gonna
drop biology
doakn saya mmpunyai ktetapan hati
to really
make a decision
a big desicion
that will totally change
my ambition or future planning
and also
what class will i enter
next year T_T
x nak rrr ckp lg
or i might end up moody
tp ada gak yg best hari ni
2pm berjaya buat saya ktawa
infinity girl, tajuknya
mcm biasa pengajarn : buat catatn kalu ada pape
xtiviti kena blk lmbat
or ask your friend to remind you
bnyakkn berdoa moga Allah beri ptunjuk e/izzah dgn pakaian islami kita
that's all from me
[peace no war :(]
Sunday, October 11, 2009
well, semalam dah 3 buah saya jelajahi
and i had ate a lot of food
rumah first and third jamu laksa
and the second house(kak tasnim) jamu laksa dan the greatest puding roti
sbnarnya plan nak prgi rmah kak tasnim around 3.30-4
lepas balik dr rmah pertama
tapi dah otw tiba2 ada org call kata nak dtg
and she is someone special from kota tinggi
so, pth balik rumah dan layan tetamu dulu
tapi blk 2 sempat lg bukak facebook (huhu)
and then around 4.15 baru brtolak to the first house
otw nak gi tmn daya, hanis called and asked when will i arrive
and, i said around 5 pm
tmn daya and my house agak jauh
last2 skali saya hanya smpai pkul 5.30 di rumah kk tasnim
dan mereka sume marah atas kelewatan saya
[so sorry la my friend......;)]
i said to my dad i will back by myself
best kat umah kk tasnim
thanks to hani,odah and hanis for cheering my day
saya tlah meminta hani untuk hantar saya ke bus stand
around 7.40 her dad arrived
but, what pathetic is i'm not sure myself where is the bus stand
lastly, after pusing2 cari bus stand trlajak smpai UTM
kira dh otw ke rumah
tp masalhnya saya tak pernah perhati btul2 bila ayah saya drive blk rumah
oleh itu, saya main gasak aje
takut gak dgn mak ayah hani
dgn ilmu yg ada pada saya
akhirnya smpai jua di dewan tmn u
then, i just asked them to drop me there
[promise lpas ni ingat btul2 jln blk umah]
first time from my entire life
i need to walk from dewan to my house, alone, in dark
nasib baik x de anjing
sesmpai rumah my parent x de
kat hospital lawat spupu sakit
don't worry it's minor
lpas isyk ingat nak gi rumah ketiga trus
but my dad nak gi marhabn dl
kul 10pm br la saya gi open house trsebut
kat sana saya jumpa m.cik pah
my mother's colleague
we talk about prinsip akaun
cik pah brjaya tkutkn saya untuk drop bio amik PA
banyak bnda di bualkn
bnyak input saya dpt
and, lastly here is where i am
writing blog.
pengajaran : x elok sebenrnya jln sorang2
solat istikharah dulu before makin a choice
manage your time wisely
that's all [peace no war XD]
and i had ate a lot of food
rumah first and third jamu laksa
and the second house(kak tasnim) jamu laksa dan the greatest puding roti
sbnarnya plan nak prgi rmah kak tasnim around 3.30-4
lepas balik dr rmah pertama
tapi dah otw tiba2 ada org call kata nak dtg
and she is someone special from kota tinggi
so, pth balik rumah dan layan tetamu dulu
tapi blk 2 sempat lg bukak facebook (huhu)
and then around 4.15 baru brtolak to the first house
otw nak gi tmn daya, hanis called and asked when will i arrive
and, i said around 5 pm
tmn daya and my house agak jauh
last2 skali saya hanya smpai pkul 5.30 di rumah kk tasnim
dan mereka sume marah atas kelewatan saya
[so sorry la my friend......;)]
i said to my dad i will back by myself
best kat umah kk tasnim
thanks to hani,odah and hanis for cheering my day
saya tlah meminta hani untuk hantar saya ke bus stand
around 7.40 her dad arrived
but, what pathetic is i'm not sure myself where is the bus stand
lastly, after pusing2 cari bus stand trlajak smpai UTM
kira dh otw ke rumah
tp masalhnya saya tak pernah perhati btul2 bila ayah saya drive blk rumah
oleh itu, saya main gasak aje
takut gak dgn mak ayah hani
dgn ilmu yg ada pada saya
akhirnya smpai jua di dewan tmn u
then, i just asked them to drop me there
[promise lpas ni ingat btul2 jln blk umah]
first time from my entire life
i need to walk from dewan to my house, alone, in dark
nasib baik x de anjing
sesmpai rumah my parent x de
kat hospital lawat spupu sakit
don't worry it's minor
lpas isyk ingat nak gi rumah ketiga trus
but my dad nak gi marhabn dl
kul 10pm br la saya gi open house trsebut
kat sana saya jumpa m.cik pah
my mother's colleague
we talk about prinsip akaun
cik pah brjaya tkutkn saya untuk drop bio amik PA
banyak bnda di bualkn
bnyak input saya dpt
and, lastly here is where i am
writing blog.
pengajaran : x elok sebenrnya jln sorang2
solat istikharah dulu before makin a choice
manage your time wisely
that's all [peace no war XD]
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Open House
today, i have about three house to go
so, let's prepare our stomach
semoga semua open house hari ni best2 belaka
kalau dapat duit raya pn best jugak
to Ili let's hope i do have transport to go to your open house tomorrow
so, let's prepare our stomach
semoga semua open house hari ni best2 belaka
kalau dapat duit raya pn best jugak
to Ili let's hope i do have transport to go to your open house tomorrow
Friday, October 9, 2009
azam baru
well, it's already 3 months since i last update my blog
even my friend asked me to delete this blog
and i already one step to delete this blog
but, somehow i got some inspiration and determination to keep this blog
and most importantly to be more hardworking in updating this blog
with the new skin
i hope my hardworking will longlasting
even my friend asked me to delete this blog
and i already one step to delete this blog
but, somehow i got some inspiration and determination to keep this blog
and most importantly to be more hardworking in updating this blog
with the new skin
i hope my hardworking will longlasting
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
result.... TT
arghh !!!!
this time
it's a loud sigh
really loud
since school had started
the result have been revealed
and today
sorrow, unhappy, surprise, shock, craziness
come together to my heart
until i don't know how to react anymore
i mean it.
the result is superb worst
unimaginable thing that happen to me
you know,
the mark is really high
i mean per180, 150
all above 100
and the paper is really thick
even though we does not get all paper yet
but my file is already full
give me a culture shock
couldn't write anymore
just too sad
how would my dad react about this??
just thinking,
already making me scare....
NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!
........ peace no war TT
this time
it's a loud sigh
really loud
since school had started
the result have been revealed
and today
sorrow, unhappy, surprise, shock, craziness
come together to my heart
until i don't know how to react anymore
i mean it.
the result is superb worst
unimaginable thing that happen to me
you know,
the mark is really high
i mean per180, 150
all above 100
and the paper is really thick
even though we does not get all paper yet
but my file is already full
give me a culture shock
couldn't write anymore
just too sad
how would my dad react about this??
just thinking,
already making me scare....
NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!
........ peace no war TT
dedication to dad
to my beloved dad
happy birthday !!!
wish u
a bright, healthy and happy day
luve u
......peace no war XD
to my beloved dad
happy birthday !!!
wish u
a bright, healthy and happy day
luve u
......peace no war XD
Sunday, June 14, 2009
time fly
huhu T-T
holiday will end soon
and there is still
a lot of undone work
2 weeks to me
like 3 days
bio and history note..
my messy cupboard...
book is still everywhere..
can i still go to school
like this
well, with
a big determination
i believe i can
just afraid about the result
let me tell you
how i spend my holiday
but this time in malay
sabtu,ahad pergi knduri termasuk knduri kakak aliyak, pastu isnin smpai rabu tak buat pape sgt, most of the time surf internet pasal suju, then khamis kemas bilik yg dh berbuln x kemas and besoknya kemas beg, then ptang 2 trus bertolak balik kg a.star. sabtu smpai isnin knduri bila cmpur2 rasanya smpai 7 buah rmah, smpaikan kg penuh dgn beg knduri dan tlur rebus. rabu je smpat duduk umah, rehat, x gi mane2, hr khamis bgn pagi trus gi ikut m.teh jln2 pekan a.star bli kain, pastu balik rehat kjap makan tgh hari, pastu pg plak sgi petani n bedung, dapatla makan bufet sedap giler, smpai kg dah pkul 12 tgh mlm. jumaat bgn2 trus mandi. kmas beg sbb dh nak balik, sblum balik, kitorg pegi melawat org meninggal, pastu pegi tajar, ada knduri. habis makan knduri, pegi kg lg satu dkat kulim, tp kejap je. smpai rumah pkul 3 pg. sabtu badan amat pnat, tp sempat lagi pegi kdai alat tulis. ttapi dsebabkn penat yg amat, x ikut mak pegi pasar mlm n rumah saudara, malam 2 pun tido awal. hari sabtu pagi2 gi srapan, balik kjap, gi senai tmpah baju, blk kjap gi knduri, blk kjap gi angsana plak, smpai umah dh malam. so, tggal hari ahad je. selain dari mkan knduri, kat kg saya juga cbuk mengasuh adik sedara br lahir, maklumla anak bongsu, jakun ckit tgk baby, n saya juga cbuk bntu mak key-in mrkah mate, f.2 yg mak ajar.
how fast time fly
2 weeks
but only
15 lines
...... peace no war XD
holiday will end soon
and there is still
a lot of undone work
2 weeks to me
like 3 days
bio and history note..
my messy cupboard...
book is still everywhere..
can i still go to school
like this
well, with
a big determination
i believe i can
just afraid about the result
let me tell you
how i spend my holiday
but this time in malay
sabtu,ahad pergi knduri termasuk knduri kakak aliyak, pastu isnin smpai rabu tak buat pape sgt, most of the time surf internet pasal suju, then khamis kemas bilik yg dh berbuln x kemas and besoknya kemas beg, then ptang 2 trus bertolak balik kg a.star. sabtu smpai isnin knduri bila cmpur2 rasanya smpai 7 buah rmah, smpaikan kg penuh dgn beg knduri dan tlur rebus. rabu je smpat duduk umah, rehat, x gi mane2, hr khamis bgn pagi trus gi ikut m.teh jln2 pekan a.star bli kain, pastu balik rehat kjap makan tgh hari, pastu pg plak sgi petani n bedung, dapatla makan bufet sedap giler, smpai kg dah pkul 12 tgh mlm. jumaat bgn2 trus mandi. kmas beg sbb dh nak balik, sblum balik, kitorg pegi melawat org meninggal, pastu pegi tajar, ada knduri. habis makan knduri, pegi kg lg satu dkat kulim, tp kejap je. smpai rumah pkul 3 pg. sabtu badan amat pnat, tp sempat lagi pegi kdai alat tulis. ttapi dsebabkn penat yg amat, x ikut mak pegi pasar mlm n rumah saudara, malam 2 pun tido awal. hari sabtu pagi2 gi srapan, balik kjap, gi senai tmpah baju, blk kjap gi knduri, blk kjap gi angsana plak, smpai umah dh malam. so, tggal hari ahad je. selain dari mkan knduri, kat kg saya juga cbuk mengasuh adik sedara br lahir, maklumla anak bongsu, jakun ckit tgk baby, n saya juga cbuk bntu mak key-in mrkah mate, f.2 yg mak ajar.
how fast time fly
2 weeks
but only
15 lines
...... peace no war XD
sound of sigh
school will start soon
and I
still not ready though
there is a lot to think
result ?
homework ??
wake up 6 am everyday ???
well, i wonder so much
why I'm still not get used to it
even though
i have been trough all this
for 9 and a half year
but one thing for sure
school is still rawk
no matter what
it's such a waste
to let go
this stage
full of
memory, haengbok, tears, challenge
that might help me
to get trough
this life
....... peace no war ; p
sound of sigh
school will start soon
and I
still not ready though
there is a lot to think
result ?
homework ??
wake up 6 am everyday ???
well, i wonder so much
why I'm still not get used to it
even though
i have been trough all this
for 9 and a half year
but one thing for sure
school is still rawk
no matter what
it's such a waste
to let go
this stage
full of
memory, haengbok, tears, challenge
that might help me
to get trough
this life
....... peace no war ; p
Saturday, May 16, 2009
i just found this and i thought it is interesting
so i decide to post this, i hope you enjoy
found this when i watch suju video
i must admit it is kinda true
and it's really make laugh
there is something we can learn about that
you wanna know what
well.... it's not fun if i'm just telling you like that
so guess yourself
so i decide to post this, i hope you enjoy
found this when i watch suju video
i must admit it is kinda true
and it's really make laugh
there is something we can learn about that
you wanna know what
well.... it's not fun if i'm just telling you like that
so guess yourself
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Habuan ep2
post ini adalah sambungan dari post yg bertajuk habuan
hanya nak berkongsi kegembiraan yang ana peroleh semalam
well, smalam bila ana nak naik van ayah ana
tiba2 dia bagi satu sampul surat
i was suprised and when i looked at the envelop
guess what,
ada duit seratus dalam tu
duit itu adalah hadiah dari BAKES FKE krana mendapat 8a
apalagi terlompat-lompat la ana sepanjang hari semalam
well, thank u to BAKES FKE 4 giving me 1oo
it is already a big amount 4 a 16 yo girl like me
post ini adalah sambungan dari post yg bertajuk habuan
hanya nak berkongsi kegembiraan yang ana peroleh semalam
well, smalam bila ana nak naik van ayah ana
tiba2 dia bagi satu sampul surat
i was suprised and when i looked at the envelop
guess what,
ada duit seratus dalam tu
duit itu adalah hadiah dari BAKES FKE krana mendapat 8a
apalagi terlompat-lompat la ana sepanjang hari semalam
well, thank u to BAKES FKE 4 giving me 1oo
it is already a big amount 4 a 16 yo girl like me
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
ni post ke-2 untuk hari ini
perlu cakap ke?????
arghh whatever
just nak cakap ada 2 perkara yang buat ana blushing
yang pertama.......
dapat call dari abang.......
dia cakap.......
dia cakap kawan dia yang buat majalah sekolah
suruh ana tulis apa-apa pasal kemenangan dalam pertandingan memasak peringkat daerah
walaupun dah lama(tahun lepas) tapi rasa bersyukur tu ada lagi
ucapan tu nak dikeluarkan di majalah sekolah I.A
bayangkan satu sekolah baca majalah tu
dan secara tak langsung baca ucapan ana ><
yang kedua.....
bila budak jordan tejumpa blog ana
dah la kat jordan
camne ntah boleh jumpa
hei!!! mengembang tau
RINDU $$$$
post ni bertujuan untuk menyatakan rasa rindu nak post kat blog ni.
bayangkan dan sebulan lebih tak post pape teruk kan???
btw that is me.....
plus post ni bertujuan menyatakan rasa tak tak puas hati atas diskriminasi terhadap g12
g12 takla teruk mana, lagipun mana ada manusia sempurna, bagitu juga dengan gen12
jadi tak sepatutunya ada diskriminasi terhadap gen ini
lagi berkaitan dengan hal ******* kesian kami **********
kalau nak buat nak buat apapun janganla membelakangkan budak f.4
lagi satu plus pasal certain orang yg x sedar dia sudah sakitkan ati org
so, itulah penting untuk kita muhasabah diri
dari sekecil-kecil perkara yang kita buat
dan bertindak setelah berfikir
jangan terus bercakap tanpa fikir posisi orang yang kita sdng cakap tu...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Just Trying
just so you know
i try really hard to post this blog
because i want this post to be in english
so i hope eventhough there is grammar wrong in this post
you'll still read it
sorry i'm litle bit speechless
bye ^___^
why did i choose green colour????
Thursday, January 22, 2009
setelah penat berusaha
siang dan malam......
untuk mendapat keputusan PMR yg cemerlang
akhirnya berbaloi juga kerana
kita dapat 8 a :(
walaupun x bagus mana tapi ana tetap dapat habuan
iaitu KAMERA!!!! dari mak
tilam baru dan percutian ke langkawi & klantan dr ayah..
looking forward for.......
SPM result ?????
FORM 4!!!!!
alamak !!!! susah nya jadi budak f.4
keje rumah belambak
tanggungjawab pun banyak
tapi x pe sebab....
itulah yang manjadikan f.4 ni...
best dan menarik
i'm looking forward for this FORM 4!!!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
memandangkan sume org dah wish tahun baru
kita pn nak jugak
jadi kita pn buat la post ni
tetapi sebelum 2 nak umukan dkat post ni
kita dapat 8A 1B(arab)
agak kecewa dan sedih tapi dah rezeki..........
kita pn nak jugak
jadi kita pn buat la post ni
tetapi sebelum 2 nak umukan dkat post ni
kita dapat 8A 1B(arab)
agak kecewa dan sedih tapi dah rezeki..........
jadi itulah berita sedih penutup 2008....
tapi x kisahla sebab banyak lagi benda hepi berlaku dalam hidup ni
jadi tahun 2009 ni kita dengan azam baru
melangkah tingkatan 4 wahh....
jadi pada semua manusia di luar...
mulakan hari dgn kazaman yg baru
semoga 2009 memberi cahaya baru
HaaPy New yEAr !!!!!!!
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2. Now your saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4. You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
5. Your checking it now.
6. Your smiling.
7. Your still reading my comment.
8. You know all you have read is true.
10. You didn't notice that i skipped 9.
11. Your checking it now.
12. You didn't notice there are only 10 facts
Copy and paste to 1 video, tomorrow will be your best day ever! no matter