Sunday, October 11, 2009


well, semalam dah 3 buah saya jelajahi
and i had ate a lot of food
rumah first and third jamu laksa
and the second house(kak tasnim) jamu laksa dan the greatest puding roti
sbnarnya plan nak prgi rmah kak tasnim around 3.30-4
lepas balik dr rmah pertama
tapi dah otw tiba2 ada org call kata nak dtg
and she is someone special from kota tinggi
so, pth balik rumah dan layan tetamu dulu
tapi blk 2 sempat lg bukak facebook (huhu)
and then around 4.15 baru brtolak to the first house
otw nak gi tmn daya, hanis called and asked when will i arrive
and, i said around 5 pm
tmn daya and my house agak jauh
last2 skali saya hanya smpai pkul 5.30 di rumah kk tasnim
dan mereka sume marah atas kelewatan saya
[so sorry la my friend......;)]
i said to my dad i will back by myself
best kat umah kk tasnim
thanks to hani,odah and hanis for cheering my day
saya tlah meminta hani untuk hantar saya ke bus stand
around 7.40 her dad arrived
but, what pathetic is i'm not sure myself where is the bus stand
lastly, after pusing2 cari bus stand trlajak smpai UTM
kira dh otw ke rumah
tp masalhnya saya tak pernah perhati btul2 bila ayah saya drive blk rumah
oleh itu, saya main gasak aje
takut gak dgn mak ayah hani
dgn ilmu yg ada pada saya
akhirnya smpai jua di dewan tmn u
then, i just asked them to drop me there
[promise lpas ni ingat btul2 jln blk umah]
first time from my entire life
i need to walk from dewan to my house, alone, in dark
nasib baik x de anjing
sesmpai rumah my parent x de
kat hospital lawat spupu sakit
don't worry it's minor
lpas isyk ingat nak gi rumah ketiga trus
but my dad nak gi marhabn dl
kul 10pm br la saya gi open house trsebut
kat sana saya jumpa m.cik pah
my mother's colleague
we talk about prinsip akaun
cik pah brjaya tkutkn saya untuk drop bio amik PA
banyak bnda di bualkn
bnyak input saya dpt
and, lastly here is where i am
writing blog.
pengajaran : x elok sebenrnya jln sorang2
solat istikharah dulu before makin a choice
manage your time wisely
that's all [peace no war XD]

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